September 13 - 16, 2011    london , Reino Unido

Health Network Communications would like to announce the 5th annual World Drug Safety Congress Europe 2011, taking place 13 - 16 September in London, United Kingdom.

Making and fulfilling the right safety procedures is vitally important in today’s pharmaceutical industry and imperative to ensuring the successful long term future of a drug. At the World Drug Safety Congress Europe 2011 you will find yourself amongst industry decision makers and thought leaders in this unique discussion forum.

Venue: Grange City Hotel


Location: Grange City Hotel
The Grange City Hotel is a spectacular luxury 5 star hotel. Superbly located with unique panoramic views over the City and just a gemstone's throw away from the Tower of London, the Grange City..
Contact 58 Rochester Row, London, SW1P 1JU london , United Kingdom
+44 (0) 20 7630 2000

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