June 16 - 18, 2010    Halle , Alemania
The IAMO Forum, the annual conference hosted by Leibniz-Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe (IAMO), aims 2010 to take stock of current research on institutional change in agriculture and rural areas and of the corresponding challenge for new modes of governance. The regional focus is on Central and Eastern Europe as well as Central and East Asia. New modes of governance refer not only to the process of policy formulation (requirements for impact assessments and integrated modelling) and to the design of policies (decentralization, bottom-up initiatives), but also to the coordination of agricultural input and output markets (energy, credit, labour, food, fibre, landscape). In this respect, the management of natural resources such as land, water, biodiversity plays a crucial role. Moreover, challenges of social safety systems in rural areas require particular innovative governance structures. Last but not least, new modes of governance call for further development of theoretical
concepts and methods in analysing institutional changes and their outcomes. The primary objective of the 2010 IAMO Forum is to provide the opportunity for multidisciplinary discussion of the theme. Young researchers from all over the world, and especially from transition countries, are offered a forum for discussing achievements, options and future needs related to scientifically supporting agricultural and rural policies. Traditionally, the IAMO Forum organises keynote sessions with high-ranking speakers who share their experience in the field. Participants who would like to present papers should submit a full paper, in English, to [email protected] by January 22, 2010.


Location: IAMO Con­fe­rence Fa­ci­li­ties
Contact Halle , Germany

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