September 27 - 29, 2016    Roma , Italia
Maritime Reconnaissance and Surveillance is the first and only conference to examine the entire maritime surveillance precept by exploring a multi-platform, multi-sensor approach to gathering ISR data. After the outstanding work of industry in the last 15 years, military requirement setters and capability development leads are able to comfortably present the case for bettering their information management solutions. Now they are looking to industry to offer cutting edge data fusion systems to present mission critical information in an accessible and timely fashion to enable optimal exploitation of ISR data. So we invite you to join 160+ colleagues at the community's annual gathering as stakeholders from military, government, industry and research join together to explore the major challenges and opportunities facing maritime ISR operators in the complex international threat environment. Booking: Brochure:


Location: Crowne Plaza Rome
Contact Via Aurelia Antica 415 Rome , Italy


IQPC London
IQPC Ltd, 129 Wilton Road, London SW1V 1JZ
+44 (0) 207 368 9300, 0800 652 2363

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Maritime Reconnaissance and Surveillance September 20 - October 23, 2011