November 17 - 18, 2009    Beijing , China
The 5th Interactive Advertising and Digital Marketing Exhibition and Conference in China

In China, the Online Advertising and Digital Marketing platforms can no longer be seen as “New Media” it has entered “Mainstream”.

With the continuing decline of ad spend in many of traditional media businesses, budget spend on interactive media continues to gain momentum and at the same time delivers quantifiable results for the brand advertiser.

ad:tech Beijing 2009 will be the fifth event for the Chinese interactive marketing community. ad:tech brings together brand advertisers, traditional & interactive agencies, portals, on-line publishers and technology providers. With the continued growth in technology and use of digital media, ad:tech offers an unrivalled opportunity to discover new practices and technologies, and to learn how many of the great names have utilized the net, built brand recognition and immersed themselves in digital technologies. Companies are realizing the meaning of ROI on ad spend like never before.

The two day exhibition and the two day highly engaging conference will provide you with amass of new knowledge and many new contacts.


Location: Beijing International Convention Center
Beijing International Convention Center and Beijing Continental Grand Hotel are a well known enterprise in Beijing. Opened in 1990, the convention center has served almost 1,000 different..
Contact 8 Beichen Dong Road, Chaoyang District, P. R. China 100101 Beijing , China
(8610)84979768 84985588--72601、72602

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ad:tech Beijing November 17 - 18, 2009