January 19 - 21, 2010    Boca Raton FL , USA
The industry leaders who will be present at GAIM USA in January will have survived 2008/09 and are looking ahead to a better hedge fund industry.  Improved risk management, renewed portfolio protection as well as an ability to act nimbly to take advantage of the opportunities that arise set apart the successful hedge funds of the future.

Certain factors remain outside our control – the political environment, geopolitical considerations and the regulatory framework within which we will need to operate. That’s why it’s essential to stay abreast of the latest thinking from the people in the know. And that’s precisely what you will find at GAIM USA. All of these issues will be addressed by authoritative experts in an information packed three day program.

It has never been a better time to make sure you are present at GAIM USA to:

    * Gain insight into the best investment opportunities available in 2010 from both established, blue chip hedge funds as well as the ‘rising stars’ of alternative investment
    * Hear definitive testimony from the key regulatory decision-making bodies and other qualified, expert insight into how the political agenda will impact financial market and hedge fund regulation and oversight; the SEC, Federal Reserve & IMF will all be taking part
    * Discover first-hand how the world’s most influential investors are managing the risk of the new financial environment, the changes they expect to the fees and terms within which the industry operates, as well as the other key factors shaping the way in which they will allocate


Location: Boca Raton Resort And Club
Contact 501 East Camino Real Boca Raton , USA

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