February 21 - 24, 2011    Bangalore , India
The first Indian edition of International VacuumElectronics Conference (IVEC) is being jointlyorganized during February 21 - 24, 2011, byIEEE Electron Devices Society (EDS), USA, IEEEBangalore Section, IEEE ED/SSC Joint Chapter,Bangalore, and Vacuum Electronic Devices andApplications (VEDA) Society, Bangalore, atBangalore, India. IEEE – IVEC is held annually,alternately in US and Europe/ Asia. IVEC-2010is scheduled to be held in Monterey, California,USA. The earlier Asia-Pacific editions of IVECwere held in South Korea (2003) and in Japan(2007).

The conference will include pre-conferencetutorials, plenary and parallel sessions on thebroad spectrum of scientific issues andapplications that are driving the currentdirections in vacuum electronics research. Theresearchers and scholars interested in VMEDSwill find at IVEC 2011 a unique snapshot of thecurrent state-of-the-art in vacuum electronicdevices. These devices continue to provideunmatched power and performance foradvanced electromagnetic systems, particularlyin the challenging frequency regimes


Location: JN Tata Auditorium
Contact JN Tata Auditorium, Indian Institute of Science, -1 , India Bangalore , India