May 28 - 31, 2013    Moscow , Russia
The next edition of Wastetech will take place in IEC "Crocus Expo" in Moscow 28-31 May 2013.

WasteTech offers various forms of participation: as an exhibitor with a stand, as a visitor or a conference participant. Make your own choice!

WasteTech is composed of two separate specialized expositions (brands): ScrapExpo - ferrous and non-ferrous metal scrap recycling; REnergo - renewable energy and will take place in parallel with the annual exhibition and conference CityPipe "Piping Systems for Municipal Infrastructure: Construction, Diagnostics, Repair and Operation".

Organisers consider exhibiting at WasteTech-2013 as:
• a search of effective solutions to increase sales and new opportunities for market expansion;
• an opportunity for the best use of promotional budget – targeted work with a B2B client is much cheaper than large-scale advertising on TV, radio, street banners;
• an assurance that your company will keep the market positions. Having missed the trade fair without meeting constant and potential clients on your stand you can be sure they will be met by your competitor.

Why to visit WasteTech?
At WasteTech-2013 you will be able:
• to have a real picture of the waste and environmental sector in Russia and CIS;
• to get true and complete information about the latest tendencies and outlooks of the market development business;
• to choose a really reliable partner/dealer/agent;
• to understand what decisions should be taken already today in order to develop successful business in future.

The situation changes quickly, keep the track of events!
WasteTech is an excellent opportunity:
• to get acquainted with new technologies of the world leading companies;
• to compare over a short period of time lots of offers and find an optimal solution to your tasks;
• to choose and buy the necessary equipment


Location: IEC Crocus Expo
Contact Moscow , Russia

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