September 7 - 10, 2011    Barcelona , Spain
This is the first time that Barcelona and Spain hosts the ESDR annual meeting. We are highly enthusiastic for this opportunity to welcome you to Catalonia, and our goal is that you will keep great memories of this meeting.

Our goal is to join young researchers with senior ones. From the past to the future with one objective - increasing together the knowledge in basic skin research.

We hope that an outstanding scientific program together with the Mediterranean atmosphere in Barcelona will make this ESDR meeting an important date in your calendar.

The Barcelona International Convention Center (CCIB) is the main venue for this event. The CCIB faces the sea and is located in a new architectural area of Barcelona closely connected to the city center.


Location: Barcelona International Convention Centre (CCIB)
Intelligence,architectural beauty and versatility. These concepts have been brought into the design of the CCIB`s Convention Centre and Forum Building Auditorium, two separate areas linked..
Contact Rambla de Prim, 1-17 08019 Barcelona , Spain
+34 93 230 10 00