February 13 - 15, 2014    New Delhi , India

Delhi is India’s second biggest travel market after Mumbai, generating one-fourth (26%) of all India-outbound travellers. Spread out over 100,000 square feet (approximately 10,000 square meters) in hall number 7 and adjoining areas of the sprawling Pragati Maiden, the event brings together some 400 exhibitors from 13 countries and all over India.

The floor layout iscurrentlybeing finalized.


Location: Pragati Maidan
Pragati Maidan is a venue for large exhibitions in New Delhi. It is a complex with contemporary design and is surrounded by greenery. Divided into smaller buildings and compounds, Pragati Maidan hosts..
Contact Pragati Maidan, , India New Delhi , India
+91 (11) 23371540