November 24 - 26, 2015    Tel Aviv , Israel
International exhibition for Technologies, Equipment & Services for Institutional Kitchens & Restaurants

November 24 - 26, 2015, Tel Aviv Fairgrounds

Kitex - The 19th International exhibition in Israel for institutional kitchens and restaurants supply & technologies, food preparations and food processing, showing the wide range of services and equipment for hotels, restaurants and catering industry.

Kitex is held biannually, within the "Israeli Food & Hospitality Week" events, and Concurrently with:
Israfood, for the Food & Beverage Industry.
Hotex, for equipment, services & technologies for the Hospitality Industry, the Retail and Institutional Sectors.


Location: The Tel Aviv Exhibition Center
The Tel Aviv Exhibition Centre (a.k.a Tel Aviv Exhibition Gardens) is located in northern Tel Aviv and was established in 1932. It hosts over one million visitors and between 45 to 60 major events..
Contact P.O. Box 21075 61210 Tel Aviv , Israel
+972 (0)3/6462401


Stier Group Ltd
Stier Group Building, 12 Tversky St., Tel Aviv 67210, Israel,

Related events

Kitex November 12 - 14, 2013
Kitex November 29 - December 1, 2011