18 November, 2015
Scotland's inspection framework is a top priority for school leaders. Learn best practice on how to achieve an 'Excellent' report at your next inspection. Scotland's inspection framework and continuing school improvement is a top priority for school leaders aiming to achieve an 'excellent' inspection report. Recent developments in Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) have made this task increasingly challenging for Scotland's schools. It has now become imperative that school leaders adopt more effective ways to work with teachers, students and the local authority to develop an improvement plan they can demonstrate to inspectors. Led by Frank Crawford, former HMI Chief Inspector and school transformation expert, delegates on this course will leave the day with clear strategies on how to drive forward school performance, improve student achievement, achieve an 'excellent' inspection report, and maintain high performance. View full course details & agenda here: http://www.moderngov.com/courses/sector-specific/excelling-at-school-inspection-and-improvement-in-scotland-18-08-15/ Time: 9:15 am - 4:15 pm. Category: Classes / Courses | Professional Training | Classes, Courses & Workshops. URLs: Booking: http://atnd.it/31977-0 Website: http://atnd.it/31977-1 Prices: Central Government: GBP 395, Local Government / NHS / Emergency Services / Education: GBP 395, Trade Associations and Charities: GBP 395, Private Sector: GBP 495.


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