7 December, 2017    london , United Kingdom
Psychiatry and Physical Health 2017: Practical ways to improve physical healthcare for people with mental illness. PPH 2017 is a one day CPD certified conference examining the challenges of identifying and managing physical health issues in mental health patients. It will provide practical guidance on how you can improve the physical healthcare of your patients that will translate into clinical practice. This conference aims to bring together specialists involved in all aspects of psychiatric care including those who specialise in child and adolescent psychiatry, old age psychiatry, and liaison psychiatry, along with general practitioners, mental health pharmacists, psychiatric nurses and all trainees in these disciplines. T


Location: America Square Conference Centre
Contact 1 America Square 17 Crosswall EC3N 2LB london , United Kingdom
+44 20 7706 7700


MA Healthcare Events
St Jude's Church Dulwich Road LondonSE24 0PB United Kingdom

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Psychiatry and Physical Health September 12 - 13, 2013
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