March 24 - 27, 2010    Moscou , Russie

Visiteurs: 13470
Exposants: 210
Zone: 13 922 sqm.
Subject of the Exhibition:

    * Kids products:
      Prams; baby safety and development products; electrical goods
      for baby care; hygiene products and cosmetics for babies; child’s furniture and
      accessories for home; baby bedding, nutrition for babies; pharmaceutical
      preparations for children, homeopathic and vitamin-mineral modules,
      parts and raw materials for child’s articles production
    * Maternity Products: underwear and footwear for expectant and nursing mothers;
      hygiene products and cosmetics, medicines and nutrition for expectant and nursing mothers.
    * Kids Fashion: clothes, footwear and clothes for babies, children and teenagers.

Lieux de Rendez-Vous

Location: Expocentre
Expocentre is one of the leading exhibition companies in Eastern Europe and the largest organizer of international exhibitions and conventions in Russia. Expocentre assists Russian companies and..
Contact 14, Krasnopresnenskaya nab. 123100 Moscow , Russia
+7 (495) 255 37 99, 795-39-46

Evénements Liés

Mother and Baby April 25 - 28, 2013
Mother and Baby March 23 - 26, 2011
Mother and Baby March 24 - 27, 2010