1 March, 2012    Yerevan , 亚美尼亚
For this reason the international specialied exhibition EXPO BEAUTY 2012 which already will be organized in the sixth time and spent LOGOS Expo Center th, is an interesting combination of different actions thanks to which wide social classes have an opportunity to get acquainted with features design of art, original compositions of professionals of the international level to take part in photosessions and beauty contests. Such exhibitions help a society and, in particular to youth, to develop aesthetic perception of beauty for the sake of education of the formed generation with good taste. I hope, our critics, and also representatives generations after carrying out of some similar actions will open for themselves set of original ways for expression of the understanding of beauty. In kind way EXPO BEAUTY 2012 this year and at all subsequent exhibitions.

The main thematic exhibition fields
-Medical cosmetics, decorative cosmetics and perfumery
-Production on care of hair and      body
-Hygienic means
-Hairdresser's art, manicure, pedicure
-Sun decks, thalassotherapy
-Beauty salons, fitness - clubs
-Flowers and domestic cosiness
-Jeweler ornaments
-Wedding orders and accessories
-Costume jeweler
-Plastic and cosmetic surgery
-Dietary meal
-Care of children, children's cosmetics
-SPA industry
-Linen and bathing suits
-Footwear and clothes
-Fur and leather products
-Headdresses and accessories
-Dry goods, bed-clothes
-Thematic editions, magazines

Object of exhibition
To find new markets for Armenian products
To encourage foreign investors for Armenian economy
To demonstrate the economical strength of Armenia to the World
To invite foreign partners for cooperation.


Location: Sport & Concert Complex aft K Demirchyan
联系 Yerevan , Armenia


EXPO BEAUTY March 22 - 24, 2013
Expo Beauty 1 March, 2012
Expo Beauty 2010 April 1 - 3, 2011
EXPO BEAUTY 5 March, 2010
EXPO BEAUTY September 4 - 6, 2009