April 16 - 19, 2012    Sandy UT , 美国
Foundations of Nanoscience is a yearly conference on foundations of nanoscience, maintaining the highest scientific standards. Self-assembly is the central theme of the conference. Topics include self-assembled architectures and devices, at scales ranging from nano-scale to meso-scale. Methodologies include both experimental as well as theoretical approaches.  The conference spans traditional disciplines including chemistry, biochemistry, physics, computer science, mathematics, and various engineering disciplines including MEMS.

The prior last 7 years year's Conferences on Foundations of Nanoscience (FNANO04, FNANO05, FNANO06, FNANO07, FNANO08, FNANO09, FNANO10 and FNANO11) had an significant impact on the emerging fields of Nanoscience and Self-assembly -- they brought many of the leading Nanoscientists and researchers working in a wide variety of areas of Self-assembly in the same place to present invited talks.

This year's 9th Conference on Foundations of Nanoscience (FNANO12) will have a mixture of both as invited talks by distinguished nanoscientists as well as contributed posters and open discussion periods to enhance attendee interaction with the goal of creating vibrant intellectual community in the area of self-assembly.  We are including a number of special tracks on topics of emerging interest to the community of self-assembly.

ISNSCE Nano-Award: The fourth Annual Nano-Award will be awarded during an evening session of the upcoming FNANO12 conference.


Location: The Cliff Lodge Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort
联系 Sandy , USA
