May 11 - 12, 2011    Sosnowiec , 波兰
The Fair will feature a Conference entitled “Investments in the Polish energy sector”. Południowy Koncern Energetyczny and the Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal will co-operate and take patronage over the Conference.
The subjects covered by our speakers will include investment projects in electrical power generation, directions and investment plans for the use of renewable energy sources (especially biomass energy), investment plans aimed at increasing safety in the power industry, the EU climate and energy package, means of financing the energy sector and the development of the energy sector over the next few years. 


Location: Expo Silesia
The Council of Expo Silesia is a group of people representing leading economic organizations as well as science and research centres operating in the southern macro-region, i.e. the Silesian,..
联系 124 Braci Mieroszweskich St. Sosnowiec , Poland
+48 (0)32/7887500