November 18 - 20, 2010    孟买 , 印度
Your connection to the future

* Clear focus on beverage and liquid food technology
* Unique dialog between international machinery suppliers and trade visitors from India
* Covers the entire process chain: raw materials, production, filling, packaging and logistics solutions
* The world’s market leaders introduce tailor-made solutions for India
* Hosted by the organizer of drinktec, World Fair for Beverage and Liquid Food Technology

Opening hours:
18 + 19 Nov: 10.00 am – 06.00 pm
20 Nov: 10.00 am – 05.00 pm


Location: Bombay Exhibition Centre
Bombay Exhibition Centre (BEC) is the largest and permanent exhibition centre, in the private sector, in India and was set up in 1991. BEC has hosted several prestigious International trade..
联系 NSE Nesco Complex Off Western Express Highway Goregaon East, - 400063. Mumbai , India


Drink Technology India September 16 - 20, 2013
Drink Technology India November 18 - 20, 2010