July 29 - 30, 2010    孟买 , 印度
FF&B 2010 is the only high-level strategic conference focused on the potential of the functional food and beverages market in India.

Consisting of two intensive content-rich conference days, this event will cover the revenue opportunities, regulatory issues, consumer lifestyle trends and emerging technologies in the fast growing value-added food processing industry, and provide you with all the solutions you need to formulate a strategy that is specific to the needs of the Indian consumer.

Just some of the highlights of the conference include:

Gaining an overview of the functional food and beverages market in India

Clarifying the evolving functional F&B regulatory framework

Understanding the impact of changing consumer lifestyles

Supporting the needs of individuals through Omega 3 products development

Evaluating the potential of functional F&B for beauty

Development of bone health products


Location: The Leela Kempinski Hotel Mumbai
联系 The Leela Kempinski Sahar - 400 059 India Mumbai , India
+91 22 6691 1234
