March 6 - 7, 2013    伯拉第斯拉瓦 , 斯洛伐克
International student run organization AIESEC brings after 18-times-quality job fairs for young people called National Career Days. fairs uniqueness lies mainly in the concentration of jobs from Top companies in the Slovak market in various fields. National Career Days is the largest job fair in Slovakia, which is aimed at students and recent graduates. They offer students a full range of services to companies to help both parties orient to the current situation in the labor market.


Location: Incheba Expo
联系 Viedenska cesta 3-7 Bratislava , Slovakia
+421 (0)2/67271111


AIESEC Slovensko
Dvojkrížna 47 821 07 Bratislava


NDK - National Career Days March 6 - 7, 2013
NDK - National Career Days March 9 - 10, 2011