April 17 - 19, 2013
In an organization that is stuck in the “false dichotomy” of either/or accident causation, you’ll often hear things such as “If only employees would listen, then they wouldn’t get hurt,” or “If only they would fix that equipment then we wouldn’t be having these injuries.” The BBS approach allows you to delve into the working interface to find out what is really going on. The tool will help supervisory personnel to understand how the correct interaction will analyse employees at risk behaviour and change interventions to safe behaviour.

Benefits of Attending
To give you the conceptual foundations and skills to plan and develop a behavior-based safety process (BBS) in your work area. Specifically, you will:
• Learn to analyze your current safety programs and make recommendations based on available scientific knowledge about human behavior
• Be able to identify and define preventive behaviors and concerns at work and explain the trend towards executing safe or unsafe behaviors using behavioral foundations
• Describe a process of behavioral observation at work and assess its functioning
• Determine the sequence and timelines for the various stages of a behavioral safety process in your work area
• Be able to identify the requirements (infrastructure, personnel, software, training HH, etc.) needed to implement it


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