October 30 - November 1, 2013    Astana , 哈萨克斯坦
Over 200 companies active in the agricultural or agricultural machinery and equipment sector participated in the exhibitions in 2012, among them companies from 22 countries - Australia, Austria, Belarus, Brazil, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Canada, the Netherlands, Poland, Russian Federation, Saudi-Arabia, South Korea, Turkey, Ukraine, USA and Kazakhstan. Official collective stands were present from Germany with support of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection. Also France and the Embassy of the Netherlands in Kazakhstan were present with group stands. Producers of veterinary products and poultry industry were present from the Russian Federation with support of the Centre of Veterinary Services (CVO).

This exhibition opens up the possibility to meet with dealers of agricultural machinery and equipment, primary food processing technology (e.g. meat, dairy) as well as for all areas of livestock breeding, plant growing and innovations in breeding, veterinary and feeding.

opening time
1st and 2nd exhibition day: 10:00 - 18:00 h
3rd exhibition day: 10:00 - 16:00 h


Location: Expo Centre 'Korme'
联系 Astana , Kazakhstan