March 29 - April 4, 2014
Conference Theme
Our theme this year is Meeting Real World Challenges through Software Technology. As technologists and as citizens, we are faced with myriad challenges from defending national security, to ensuring the robustness of our critical infrastructure, to sustaining and enhancing large portfolios of legacy systems – all within ever tighter resource constraints. Many of our attendees and their customers, rather than creating brand new software-intensive systems, will rather be updating code in embedded systems, integrating new capabilities, or otherwise retrofitting existing deployed systems. If investments are made in new development, those systems will need to be resilient and sustainable for a longer period of time.

Why Attend?
Attending this Conference will provide both you and your organization with immediately usable insights and practical solutions from software technology professionals facing the same challenges you face as you strive to ensure your organization's success and your own professional growth. The Software Technology Conference has a twenty-five year history of providing such value.

We invite you to connect with your colleagues and share your ideas, success stories, and lessons learned in applying software technology to meet our common challenges, by submitting an abstract for consideration as one of our conference session or tutorial speakers.


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