April 14 - 15, 2014    罗马 , 意大利
To deliver more business value from Big Data and Business Analytics, companies are rethinking architecture and modernizing to integrate Big Data with existing Data Warehouses and analytic databases. The Modern Data Platforms framework from Radiant Advisors is a vendor-neutral approach that enables companies to leverage the significant advancements in data management technologies, computing hardware, and BI capabilities to transform BI architectures.

The Data Warehousing (DW) and Business Intelligence (BI) industry has come a long way over the past several decades, and today we’re challenged to extend the classic architectures that have served us well in the past. A company’s Business Intelligence and analytic capabilities are now widely accepted as a return on investment, a strategic competitive advantage, and key for enabling learning organizations. With more BI capabilities to deliver than ever before - and the advancements in computing, new technologies, and access to more data - our Data Warehouse blueprints are being forced to evolve.

The sessions delivered in this seminar introduce the framework and methodologies for modernizing Data Warehouses into data platforms that combine the latest Business Value from big data and analytic databases.


Location: Residenza di Ripetta
联系 via di Ripetta, 231 - 00186 Roma Rome , Italy


Modern Data Platforms Workshop April 14 - 15, 2014