September 14 - 17, 2015    Napoli , 意大利
Joint conference of the International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M) and the Cosmobilities Network
Santa Maria C.V. (Caserta), Italy – September 14-17, 2015

The conference theme offers several lines of investigation:
The future of mobilities in terms of both the future of mobilities studies as well as the future of mobilities itself.

The question of time-frames, e.g. how research concerning the past and the present of mobility can be linked to the future.

Mobility in the broader horizon of flows and emergent connections between transport, communication and movements.

Trans-disciplinary research paths, and related theoretical and methodological issues.

for more info:
T2M Executive Secretary

Julia Hildebrand
[email protected]


Location: University of Naples Federico II
联系 Corso Umberto I, 40 bis, 80138 , Italy Napoli , Italy
+39 081 253 1111