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Espaces Antipolis

300, route des Crêtes BP 116 - 06902 Sophia-Antipolis cedex France Nice , France
Situated at 20 minutes from the international Nice Cote d’Azur airport, the Espaces Antipolis offer the biggest area for professional events at Sophia-Antipolis. The modularity of the premises enables to organize any type or size of events. Entirely equipped with the latest communication technologies, the Business Resort is a complete tool to enhance your events.

Our projects managers and our catering service will provide to you the best advice adapted to your specific event : congresses, conventions, trade shows, conferences, prestigious events, products launching, working days, incentive activities (food, wine, adventure…) your events can all enjoy the prime location where they will be highlighted as they deserve. You can think big and put on a dazzling show for 2,000 guests or opt for a more intimate occasion, a memorable and convivial experience with an elite composed of a few dozen participants.

Offering a high level of comfort and technology, the reception areas are all modular and can be privatized to meet your specific needs : exhibition hall, auditorium, terraces and outdoor platform, artistic studio, lounge bar restaurant. It is one of the only places on the French Riviera where you will be able to organize big events inside or outside. Your event is enhanced by services which will only be limited by the scope of your own requirements. Normal you are in business class!


Data Centres Europe Awards & Ceremony
The 6th Data Centres Europe 2010 will include a special focus on enterprise customers of data centres and their evolving outsourcing needs as emerging..
详细信息 April 22 - 23, 2010