December 3 - 5, 2012
The main goal of this conference is to provide a discussion forum where researchers and practitioners on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence can meet, disseminate and exchange ideas and problems, identify some of the key issues related to these topics, and explore together possible solutions and future works.

AmI environments are integrated by several autonomous computational devices of modern life ranging from consumer electronics to mobile phones. Ideally, people in an AmI environment will not notice these devices, but they will benefit from the services they provide them. Such devices are aware of the people present in those environments by reacting to their gestures, actions and context. Recently the interest in Ambient Intelligence Environments has grown considerably due to new challenges posed by society, demanding highly innovative services such as vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET), Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), e-Health, Internet of Things and Home Automation among others.


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Escuela Superior de Informática
Paseo de la Universidad, s/n Ciudad Real Spain 13071 Spain
+34 926 295 300 - Ext. 3713