June 19 - 20, 2013    Brisbane , Australien
Build your communication skills and emotional intelligence to help increase your capacity to be an assertive and confident communicator and project an image of credibility and composure at work.

Your ability to communicate your ideas, get your point across, lead your teams or simply maintain professional credibility can mean the difference between success and failure. Competition is fierce in the business world and if you can have more and better professional tools, know how and when to use them, you will enhance both your career satisfaction and prospects. That is precisely what this interactive course is designed to do.

Price: $ 2524.50 AUD

Key Learning Outcomes
• Learn to identify and manage different types of business behaviour
• Benefit from an in-depth personal assertiveness assessment
• Discover how to enhance self confidence, self esteem, and self belief
• Recognise techniques for maintaining composure and credibility
• Develop critical skills to handle criticism, anger, negativity and confrontation
• How to overcome confidence breakers in the workplace
• Identify the differences between assertiveness, confidence, influence and power
• Develop the skills to make you a more confident, credible and assertive communicator


Location: Christie Conference Centre
Kontaktieren Level 2, 3 Spring Street 2000 Sydney , Australia
+61 02 8249 4003