January 29 - 30, 2014    Houston TX , Vereinigte Staaten
Latest reports show that the Eagle Ford is currently producing 1.09 million barrels of oil per day - a staggering number that is even outperforming the Bakken. However, the biggest points of contention surrounding Eagle Ford wells are not how to get them producing large volumes of oil but more critically, how to keep them producing. A recent Wood Mckenzie study shows that most Eagle Ford wells typically drop off between 70 - 80 % in the first year. What is critical to offset these declines and ensure that every well reaches the highest possible net present value, is for Eagle Ford operators to identify the optimal production techniques to increase EURs and extend the life of every well drilled.

Studies have shown that choking a well could improve the long-term recovery between 10-15% over a 30-year period - however, what is the optimum choke strategy to employ? How do you tailor choke strategies to specific pressure regimes across Eagle Ford reservoirs? And alongside that, what artificial lift techniques have proven to yield the highest production rates? What are the optimum methods to manage sand and avoid costly equipment failures? How can you optimize well spacing to minimize production declines?


Location: Westin Galleria Houston
Kontaktieren 5060 W St. Houston , USA
+1 713/9608100

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