October 29 - 31, 2015    Tasmania , Rumänien
New Trends and Technologies for RESSs;
Policies and Strategies for RESSs;
Energy Transformation from Renewable Energy System (RES) to Grid;
Novel Energy Conversion Studies for RESs;
Power Devices and Driving Circuits for RESs;
Control Techniques for RESs;
Grid Interactive Systems Used in Hybrid RESs;
Performance Analysis of RESs;
Hybrid RESSs;
Decision Support Systems for RESSs;
Renewable Energy Research and Applications for Industries
and much more...

For more topics: http://www.icrec.org/cfp.html

All accepted papers will be published in Journal of Clean Energy Technologies (JOCET, ISSN: 1793-821X)
Abstracting/ Indexing: Indexed by EI (INSPEC, IET), Chemical Abstracts Services (CAS), Electronic Journals Library, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, BE Data, Google Scholar, ProQuest and DOAJ.

Submission Method:
Electronic Submission System:http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icrec2015
E-mail: [email protected]

Contact Us:
Ms. Alice Kuo
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +1-661-888-4278


Location: JUPITER Tismana Club Hotel
Kontaktieren Romania, Constanta Tasmania , Romania


International Academy of Computer Technology (IACT)
3308 N Mayfield Ave, San Bernardino, CA 92405

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