March 9 - 12, 2011
As Latin American and the world celebrate these anniversaries, important questions remain as to how individual countries and the region as a whole should address challenges in the areas of poverty, development, security, public health, and national and international politics. Furthermore, current relations between Latin America, the USA and Europe, and the role that other regions and international stakeholders can play in supporting Latin America, remain fundamental issues to be clarified.

In ensuring stable economic and societal development, Latin American countries will rely heavily on their international images. A strong national brand will encourage tourism, investment, the immigration and retention of intellectual elites, and will enable a country to play more influential role in regional and global politics. Understanding and strengthening how their nation’s brand is understand, and can be shaped, is therefore one of the most important challenges facing governments, private companies, and civil societies in the region and abroad.

To enable academic analysis of the subject, and provide a platform for discussion on related fields, the ICD will host “Nuestra America” to explore the concept of nation branding and how Latin American governments, companies, and other stakeholders can engage with it.

"Nuestra America" will be held in conjunction with the Berlin International Economics Congress 2011. For further information about this event please visit


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Nuestra America March 9 - 12, 2011