October 18 - 21, 2011    Augsburg , Alemania

Visitantes: 16000
Expositores: 400
Zona: 15759 sqm.

interlift – When times are tough – the best place to be

The expectations the sector put in the 9th interlift in Augsburg were high.

And they were even exceeded. Unimpressed by the global economic crisis, the interlift 09 was a great success for the participating companies: 67%* of the 477 exhibitors assessed their participation as “very good” or “good”, and 26%* as “satisfactory”. 88%* were expecting “good” or “satisfactory” followup business after the trade fair, and only 1%* does not intend to participate at the next interlift in 201


Location: Augsburger Kongresshalle
Contact Gögginger Straße 10 86159 Augsburg , Germany
+49 (0)821/3242348

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