January 6 - 9, 2011    Fort Lauderdale FL , Estados Unidos
Currently in a mid-level managerial position? Contemplating a move to a senior student affairs officer position in the near future? The Institute for Aspiring Senior Student Affairs Officers is for you...

Through presentations and small-group discussions, participants will:

* Learn from experienced SSAO's in the field;
* Discover new perspectives;
* Gain applicable insights and knowledge; and
* Connect with talented colleagues who will be the next leaders in the field.

Participants from all types of higher education institutions will convene in Fort Lauderdale, FL, for this biennial Institute filled with topics relevant to career advancement, including:

* Strategic thinking
* Leading change
* Applying strengths
* Identifying or understanding trends


Location: Renaissance Fort Lauderdale Port Everglades Hotel
Contact 1617 Southeast 17th Street Fort Lauderdale , USA