June 11 - 14, 2011    Nueva Orleans LA , Estados Unidos

Visitantes: 27000
Expositores: 1000
Zona: 20,000 sqm.

They come to see the industry’s largest collection of food ingredients, equipment, and packaging suppliers—more than 800—all under one roof at the IFT Food Expo. If you’re looking for the next hot trend or the newest ingredient, this is the place to find it!

The IFT Food Expo is the single most important event for professionals involved in food science and technology. That’s why two out of every three Food Expo attendees are repeat attendees. They know first-hand that it’s the best place to see the newest products, trends, tools, and techniques…and meet face-to-face with the companies who provide them.

As the only true one-stop-shop for trends and information in the food world—the IFT Food Expo is the single most important event for new technologies and new business relationships.

Opening Hours:

June 10 - 8am to 5pm
June 11 - 8am to 8:15 pm
June 12 - 7am to 6pm
June 13 - 6am to 11pm
June 14 - 7am to 5:30 pm
June 15 - 8am to 12:30 pm


Location: New Orleans Convention Center
Events held in New Orleans just aren't the same as events held in other cities. Smiles are brighter. Handshakes are more energetic. Everyone is simply excited to be in one of the world's most storied..
Contact 900 Convention Center Blvd. New Orleans , USA
+1 (504) 582-3023

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