November 6 - 7, 2012    Sosnowiec , Polonia
The Fair for Corrosion Protection SURFPROTECT which will take place on 6-7 November 2012 in Expo Silesia.

SURFPROTECT is the one and only event which gathers in one place the specialists in surface preparation and anti-corrosion, in galvanotechnics, in paints and varnishes, and the providers of services associated with surface preparation and processing technologies. The subjects will be presented in a comprehensive manner: they will include the protection of metal, wood and concrete surfaces.

During the previous editions we had the pleasure to see many exhibitors who presented both traditional products and state-of-the-art methods for fighting corrosion and for surface protection, and due to the increasing number of visitors, the Fair is enjoying more and more popularity and is becoming the platform for business contacts in the sector. As usually, the accompanying events will include specialist conferences serving to broaden people’s knowledge providing the experience-sharing place for the representatives of the sector of surface protection.


Location: Expo Silesia
The Council of Expo Silesia is a group of people representing leading economic organizations as well as science and research centres operating in the southern macro-region, i.e. the Silesian,..
Contact 124 Braci Mieroszweskich St. Sosnowiec , Poland
+48 (0)32/7887500