October 16 - 20, 2012    Nueva York NY , Estados Unidos
CMJ’s daytime conference is headquartered on New York University’s Greenwich Village campus, at the Helen and Martin Kimmel Center for University Life on Washington Square Park. These events include a wide array of panels featuring record label executives, radio producers, digital media specialists, journalists, musicians, and many other industry insiders.

With the business of making, distributing, and listening to music in a constant state of flux, CMJ’s conferences help make sense of the current climate. The 2012 event will further advance the conversation, building on years of debate and insight dispensed by experts in the field.

CMJ’s panels encompass localized trends and sweeping industry changes, offering space for key figures to come together and discuss pertinent issues. Panels in recent festivals have included an analysis of the live music scene on the Lower East Side in Manhattan, and a look at how the rise of American hardcore in the 1980s informed the modern rock explosion.


Location: New York University
Contact Greenwich Village campus New York , USA

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