June 16 - 19, 2011    Beverly Hills CA , Estados Unidos
The International Business, Fiinance & Economics Research Conference, Los Angeles invites you to participate in the conference. The International Business, Finance & Economics Research Conference publishes articles of interest to members of the Business Community and will provide leadership in introducing new concepts to its readership. Because business is a diverse field, articles should address questions utilizing a variety of methods and theoretical perspectives.  The primary goal of the conference will be to provide opportunities for business related academicians and professionals from various business related fields in a global realm to publish their paper in one source. The International Business, Finance & Economics Research Conference will bring together academicians and professionals from all areas related business fields and related fields to interact with members inside and outside their own particular disciplines. The conference will provide opportunities for publishing researcher's paper as well as providing opportunities to view other's work. All the accepted papers will be published. Doctoral students are highly encouraged to submit papers to IBERL for competitive review.


Location: Beverly Hills Hotel
Contact 9641 Sunset Blvd. Beverly Hills , USA