September 27 - 29, 2012    Versailles , Francia
The Maxillofacial Surgery and Stomatology is a medical specialty combining many skills in facial surgery.
The SFSCMF is the scientific society in France.
The Dentistry is a medical specialty surgery. The oral surgeon is a physician and surgeon, specializing in matters pertaining to the oro-facial. The mastery of dentistry completed by medical knowledge provide dentists with a unique skill.

The Maxillofacial Surgery is a medical specialty surgery also. The maxillofacial surgeon is a physician and surgeon, graduate of General Surgery, and specializes in everything that relates to the sphere of cranio-maxillo-facial surgery.

Maxillofacial surgery was born of the First World War. The injured face more known as a "broken faces" were imposed on surgeons of the time to consider a concept nonexistent at the time, the need to rebuild. Reconstructive surgery and then became aesthetic.


Location: Palais des Congres Versailles
Contact 10 rue de la Chancellerie Versailles , France