20 December, 2012    Palm Beach FL , Estados Unidos
Distance Learning Course on Business Restructuring and Valuation, Transfer Pricing Legislation and Guidelines, and other hot Transfer Pricing topics

How to deal with international Transfer Pricing risk?
Transfer Pricing has drawn the attention of tax authorities worldwide. New rules, documentation requirements and different interpretation given to the OECD Transfer Pricing guidelines by both tax authorities and multinationals have created ground for many disputes.

Major Transfer Pricing issues and concerns
International Management Forum (IMF) is happy to announce a new distance learning course on Transfer Pricing. This Transfer Pricing course will focus on major Transfer Pricing issues and concerns that all professionals involved in the complex area of Transfer Pricing will face such as: Business Restructuring and Valuation, Transfer Pricing Legislation and Guidelines, Documentation Requirements per region and per country, Transfer Pricing Project and Risk management, Transfer Pricing (pre-) Controversy Management, Design and Development of a Transfer Pricing Policy, types of Intercompany Transactions, Intellectual Property and Customs.

Target group of this Transfer Pricing course
This new toplevel distance learning Transfer Pricing course has been designed to provide in depth training for financial, tax and Transfer Pricing professionals who are interested in expanding their knowledge of the theory and practice of Transfer Pricing.

The course is relevant for Transfer Pricing managers, (inter)national tax managers and firms, finance directors, treasurers, senior executives with an interest in the latest developments in Transfer Pricing and lawyers and accountants who serve their clients with Transfer Pricing issues and have to guide them in the ever-changing Transfer Pricing environment.


Location: Webinar Venue
Contact none Palm Beach , USA


IMF Academy
Rechtestraat 59 | 5611 GN Eindhoven | The Netherlands
+31 (0)40 246 02 20

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Transfer Pricing 20 December, 2012