September 7 - 8, 2013    Wiener Neustadt , Austria
If on the second morning show tickets already be reprinted, the best shows how popular the PET NEWS also in the 9th Dressing. over 13,000 visitors stormed the ARENA NOVA and marveled at exhibitor and biodiversity.

Imagine, it's fair, and all go there. Thus came to the right on the two days. Already, the program let it lack anything: In the open area next to the sled dogs darted participants of Flyball Championship. This extremely rapid, as for active viewers, making fun dog sports (chart) wanting more. When Vorführring in Hall 1 could satisfy them. Six llama and alpaca breeders presented their woolly creatures, border collies drove ducks and sheep into the gate and up Pinscher German Shepherd showed their skill in agility. Besides the ÖGV experts, vets, clubs, feed manufacturers and farmers deliberated more than 90 breeds of everything that is good for the man's best friend good.


Location: Arena Nova
Contact Wiener Neustadt , Austria