20 November, 2013    london , Reino Unido
There is an impressive line up of speakers across all aspects of social media business and the enabling technologies which makes this club ideal for c - suite managers and suppliers in the social technology space.

November meeting - 20 November 2013

18.00 We will kick off with serious business networking - complimentary layer cake, tea and coffee and you can also buy purchase drinks at the bar

18.45 First speaker: Peter Wilkinson - The social media strategy layer cake, what C-suite leaders need to consider.

19.15 Second speaker: Rylan Holey from HootSuite - The Business of Being Social. How social media can scale outside of your marketing department across your organisation, the benefits of being a Social Business and what you need to do to support a socially empowered workforce.

19.45 Fun activities from Martha Jesty, a latin Zumba dancer, who will promote relationship building and of course if people wish to go and use the gaming tables they can.

C – Suite leaders must take note that either they have a robust social media strategy and they drive it or social media will drive them and this will carry a high degree of risk.

Social media is best known for its use as part of a marketing communications mix or marketing campaign. Social media is also starting to be used as part of a social, local mobile strategy.

It should be recognised that applications for social media go across the business and these go far beyond just marketing. Leaders need to consider this carefully.


Location: Grosvenor G Casino Piccadilly
Contact 3-4 Coventry St, London W1D 6BL, United Kingdom london , United Kingdom
+44 20 7287 7887
