November 27 - 28, 2014    St. Gallen , Suiza
After a one year intermission, the St.Gallen International Energy Forum IEF will return on November 27th and 28th 2014 with a roster of distinguished speakers and up-to-date topics. The 7th iteration will prove, once more, to be of high quality and relevance - both in regard to the invited speakers as well as to the topics covered. Topics will include inter alia: the EU internal energy market, shale gas as well as energy dispute resolution. We will welcome more than 15 speakers - from practice, academia and the EU institutions - from both sides of the Atlantic to present and discuss the hot potatoes of the field.

Please refer to our new flyer at for a full list of our speakers and the topics covered.


Location: St Gallen Kantonsratssaal
Contact St.Gallen, Switzerland St. Gallen , Switzerland


University of St.Gallen HSG
Tigerbergstrasse 9 - CH-9000 St.Gallen
+41 / 71 / 224 28 66 -

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