11 November, 2014    Maplewood MN , Estados Unidos
We want to help you to be successful at landing your Dream Job. You must first learn how to conduct an Effective Job Search. At our Free Workshops, experts offer tools and instructions to Job Seekers.

Tracy David, of Designed 4 Freedom, Inc is a trusted authority on dynamic communication, victorious living and outrageous success. She brings authenticity, enthusiasm, honor and compassion to her work and has a superior track record for helping her clients to achieve outstanding results, experiencing promotion in every area of life.

In this workshop, Tracy will cover powerful ways to:
*Learn how to respond to difficult circumstances with success.
*Increase confidence when you need it the most.
*Handle conflict with positive results.
*Change the direction of any situation for the good.
*Discover you true value and how to operate in it.

Time: 9:00 am - 11:30 am.

Tickets: http://atnd.it/16973-0
Facebook: http://atnd.it/16973-2
Twitter: http://atnd.it/16973-3

Price: YCGH: Free.


Location: Maple Grove Community Center
Contact 12951 Weaver Lake Road Maple Grove, MN 55369-9409 Maplewood , USA

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You Can Get Hired-November 11 November, 2014