28 February, 2015    london , Reino Unido
Buddha explained that though humans universally seek happiness it consistently eludes them, and though they seek to avoid suffering it falls upon them like rain. The root of the problem, he taught, is a deep ignorance about the nature of happiness and suffering and their causes.

In his famous teaching on the Four Noble Truths Buddha explained:
• The truth about suffering
• The true causes of suffering
• How to achieve a true cessation of suffering
• The true path that leads to that cessation

On this day meditation event, Kadam John McBretney will explain how we can easily apply this ancient Buddhist wisdom to our modern day lives and begin to experience true and lasting happiness.

Anyone can attend this event. It is suitable for all levels. There are breaks in between sessions and a vegetarian lunch is included. Everyone is welcome.

To find out more, and to book, visit: http://www.meditateinlondon.org.uk/the-four-noble-truths/


Location: Heruka Kadampa Meditation Centre
Contact 13 Woodstock Road, Golders Green, London NW118ES london , United Kingdom
+44 20 8455 7563


Heruka Kadampa Meditation Centre
13 Woodstock Road, Golders Green, London NW118ES

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