September 14 - 16, 2015 is a novel podium for young minds to share their opinions on scientific understanding in all areas of science and technology. This forum is offering rapid publication for graduates worldwide followed by extensive peer review.
Open peer review process expedited the present review system with considering more opinions for a submission in less time. Enrichment of the contribution is another advantage which will be obtained in this publication model from time to time for each submission.
The graduates devoting their efforts in understanding the cause and effect of allergy are welcome to share their knowledge in this stage. This particular section will consider submissions in the areas including Allergic Rhinitis, Angioedema, Atopic dermatitis, allergic urticarial etc. To encourage the young minds special benefits are being provided for the best contributions.
All the submissions will be evaluated by the subject experts and the best 5 submissions will be selected by the editorial board members of Journal of Allergy & Therapy. Selected graduates will be offered travel allowance to attend any relevant OMICS Group Conference in their respective continent.
OMICS International is publishing more than 500+ open access journals and organizing 300+ conferences every year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from more than 1000 scientific societies. OMICS Journals editorial board draws expertise from more than 30000 scholars globally.


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5716 Corsa Ave, Suite 110 Westlake, Los Angeles CA 91362-7354, USA

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