September 20 - 22, 2017    Roma , Italia
How do you image the future of pediatrics? We think that Innovation will be crucial to shape pediatrics in the next years and find out solutions to a number of challenges. Believing on that, we have organized 'Shaping the Future of Pediatrics' the first European conference on innovation in pediatrics. Topics Omics and personalized medicine: a session dedicated to understand how genomics and the link between geno- and phenotypes can help in making a diagnosis, predicting and choosing the optimal therapy. The ultimate tools for treating genetic diseases and overcoming the frontiers of traditional medicine in complex syndromes will be discussed.


Location: Auditorium Antonianum
Contact 1 Viale Manzoni 00185 – Rome , Italy

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Shaping the Future of Pediatrics September 20 - 22, 2017