22 September, 2017    london , Reino Unido
Players in artificial intelligence from China and the United Kingdom will come together at the China-Britain AI Summit in September 2017. The Summit will illuminate the artificial intelligence landscape in China and the UK and catalyse commercial business and investment opportunities. The first event of its kind, the demand for the Summit has arisen from developments in the Chinese and British AI space. The Chinese government has approved plans for China to become the world market leader in AI by 2030, with the aim of making the industry worth USD 150 billion. Major players such as Alibaba and Baidu have already invested millions of dollars in AI RandD platforms. Meanwhile, with the UK looking more outwards than ever in a post-Brexit era, the UK’s start-up ecosystem continues to flourish and consequentially attracts the highest quality talent and investment interest. It is estimated that a new AI start-up has launched in the UK every week for the past 3 years. This amounts to a total future contribution of £654bn to the UK economy by 2035. The Summit will deliver panel discussions covering investment and opportunities, AI ethics and social implications, AI landscape in China and the UK as well as the role of AI/smart technologies in China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Expert speakers include Healthcare Executive from IBM Watson, VP Investment Banking from Haitong Bank, Former Director Apple Education Asia Nth, General Manager from CRRC UK, General Counsel APAC from The British Standards Institution, ITC Sector Director at China Britain Business Council, Chief Representative from InvestSH and Digital Lead from InnovateUK, to name a few. The IET's President Professor Jeremy Watson will deliver the welcome remarks. Use code CBAIS30 for 30% discount valid until the 31st of August


Location: The Institution of Engineering and Technology
Contact Savoy Place, London, WC2R 0BL, United Kingdom london , United Kingdom

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