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Centro de Convenciones Maria Angola

La Paz, District 15074, Peru Miraflores , Peru
Tel: (511) 213-9999
Amongst all the countries of América, Perú abounds most in traditions, Whether within the frame of its undivided Inca Culture, or within the fame of its Spanish cultural background, tradition plays an important role in the history of Perú. One of these traditions is the old bell today known as "LA MARIA ANGOLA" of Catedral in Cuzco, the ancient Inca´s capital. This Bell was built in 1655, it weights about six tons, and it´s 2.10 meters high.

There is, howeveer, a love story attached to tha name and the make up of the famous bell. There lived in Cuzco at that time a very rich lady named Maria Angola, who became involved in a passionate romance with a Spanish beau by whom she finally became pregnant. On hearing of this, Maria Angola´s father challenged the seducer to repair his misdeed, but he lost hi life in the field of honor. Repentant, the beau traveled to Spain promising to return, but he also died during the journey.Disconsolated over the loss of both her father and lover, María Angola decided to become a num at the Convent of Saint Therese and, in manifestation, of her repentance she threw into the hearth where the giant belt was being smelted, a 25-lb. gold piece, her jewelry of gold and precious gems, which constituted her immense fortune. For this reason this bell was named after "María Angola".

Past Events

Aero Expo Peru 2013 will give you the warmest welcome on board the 2nd. AERO EXPO PERU 2013 and 2nd. AERO PERU TRADE CONGRESS to be held: The 20..
detalles September 20 - 22, 2013