Русский язык

The Kingsley Hotel

36-37 Bloomsbury Way London WC1A 2SD 0871 376 9006 london , United Kingdom

Past Events

Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book: The Pillar 2 Approach
Taking place in Holborn, London, on 14-15 September 2016, this two day training course will provide attendees with a comprehensive update on how to..
detalles September 14 - 15, 2016
ETRM and Trade Surveillance
Energy Risk is delighted to announce the new two day training course on ETRM and Trade Surveillance. Taking place in London on September 14-15, the..
detalles September 14 - 15, 2016
BCBS - Implementation and Compliance
Risk is delighted to present this two day training course which will provide delegates with an in-depth understanding of the BCBS 239 principles,..
detalles June 28 - 29, 2016
Funds Transfer Pricing - London
The first day of the course will be delivered by Marcel Hutter, a specialist in the design, specification, development and implementation of liquidity..
detalles June 20 - 21, 2016
Utilising Blockchain Technologies in Financial Markets
Course Highlights Blockchain fundamentals Blockchain concepts and components Drivers for using blockchain in capital markets Application of blockchain..
detalles 29 June, 2016
Portfolio Optimisation and Diversification for the Buy-Side
Since the financial crisis risk management has become a key priority for many buy side firms. Current theory allows investors to construct their..
detalles June 21 - 22, 2016
Final Preparation for Central Clearing
Central clearing is the hot topic of the moment due to affect many financial organisations worldwide. After the 2009 ruling from the G20, EMIR..
detalles February 24 - 25, 2016
Regulation & Risk Management for Internal Audit
The course will look at the most prominent types of risks faced by financial institutions and provide internal auditors with in-depth knowledge of the..
detalles 18 May, 2016
Managing Model Risk in Risk and Pricing Models
The first day of the course will cover the history, pricing, prudent valuation and validation and performance analysis of model risk management. The..
detalles June 20 - 21, 2016