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BPP Professional Education

St. James Buildings, M1 6FQ, United Kingdom Manchester , United Kingdom
Tel: 0330 060 3100
BPP University is a UK degree awarding body providing its own qualification awards dedicated to business and the professions. It also offers some programmes of study leading to the awards of other bodies and these are indicated on the relevant programme pages.

Past Events

Expert Witness Skills - How to Avoid The Pitfalls
This course has recently been postponed to Monday 19 and Tuesday 20 November 2018. This two day expert witness masterclass will develop your..
detalles September 17 - 18, 2018
Expert Witness Skills - How to Avoid The Pitfalls
A two day course to allow delegates to gain a clearer understanding of the role of expert witnesses from a medico-legal perspective. Time: 9:00 am to..
detalles June 16 - 17, 2016