November 22 - 24, 2010    Tel Aviv , Israel

Visitors: 20000
HOTEX is the main and only trade fair in Israel for equipment, services & technologies for the hospitality industry as well as the retail and institutional sectors. 
HOTEX 2010 will be held within the "Israeli Food & Hospitality Week" events, and concurrently with Israfood exhibition, for the food and beverage industry (Hall No. 11). 
The exhibition is held annually at the Israeli Trade Fairs & Convention Center in Tel Aviv - Hall No. 10.

Exhibition Dates & Opening Hours:
November 22nd-24th, 2010, Israeli Trade Fairs & Convention Center in Tel Aviv.
Opening hours: 
Monday,  November 22nd    12:00-20:00
Tuesday,  November 23rd     12:00-20:00
Wednesday, November 24th      11:00-19:00
Please note: Due to the professional nature of the exhibition, babies, baby carriages, strollers, children and youth under the age of 18, are not allowed into the exhibition halls.


Location: The Tel Aviv Exhibition Center
The Tel Aviv Exhibition Centre (a.k.a Tel Aviv Exhibition Gardens) is located in northern Tel Aviv and was established in 1932. It hosts over one million visitors and between 45 to 60 major events..
Contact P.O. Box 21075 61210 Tel Aviv , Israel
+972 (0)3/6462401